Entry Guide
The Graffiti Action Challenge has been specially designed to align with the school curriculum for Years 7, 8 and 9 and is free to enter. If you are interested in participating, all you need to do is decide where the competition will fit into the curriculum, discuss it with your students, then register.
What participants need to do
Students create and design practical solutions to assist in limiting graffiti and raising awareness of the important role that every person, including themselves, can play as a citizen in reducing crime and in particular graffiti crime.
Individual or team entry
Student participants are able to work together in groups, or individually to generate ideas, plans and processes as they interact with their local police, council officers and community groups (if they wish) to build their understanding of the responsibility of citizens to help prevent or reduce graffiti vandalism.
Competition summary
- Registrations open on 20 July 2016.
- Entries close on 28 October 2016.
- Entries must be the students’ own work.
- Winners will be chosen based on the judging criteria outlined here.
File size
Competition entries can be uploaded in several formats as detailed in the “Entry types accepted” below. Maximum individual file size is 2 MB for uploading. If file size is larger, please save onto a USB (clearly labelled with your details) and mail to Crime Stoppers WA Graffiti Action Challenge, PO Box 8277, Perth WA 6849. No alternative methods of entry will be accepted.
The following aims support curriculum requirements:
- Raise awareness of the important role that every person, including themselves, can play as a citizen in reducing crime.
- Educate young people on good citizenship as part of their social and civic responsibility.
- Provide opportunities for students to identify how they can play a positive role in protecting society, being aware of the role of Crime Stoppers in this process.
The Graffiti Action Challenge is designed to help young people to:
- Increase their overall understanding of graffiti vandalism, its impact and consequences.
- Avoid committing graffiti vandalism.
- Investigate the processes involved in solving crime, including the role of Crime Stoppers,
the police and the community. - Formulate practical solutions to assist in preventing and reducing graffiti.
- Develop Skills The competition involves the development of higher-order thinking skills such as problem solving and critical thinking capabilities to ensure that our youth are able to play a positive part in the community. The competition promotes student enquiry into topical issues that affect the community and society as a whole. It prepares them to live in the 21st century.
- Win Prizes Student and school prizes are awarded to Year category winners.
- Participation Acknowledgment The efforts of every student who enters the competition will be acknowledged with an official 2016 Crime Stoppers WA participation certificate.
- Teacher Acknowledgment All teachers who participate will receive a certificate of commendation.
The winning student or group will be able to select one of the following prizes;
- The school or organisation of each winning student or group will be able to select one of the following prizes, which are worth up to $2,000 each:
- Urban Artist-in-Residence Program where an Urban Artist conducts workshop(s) with the winning school/class/organisation.
- The Urban Artist creates a mural/collage for the winning school or organisation either as a separate activity or with students.
- The Urban Artist and students from the winning school or organisation transform a community space into an urban art area.
How to enter
After completing your registration and evaluation questions:
Part 1 (all entrants must complete)
Investigate and collect information about graffiti vandalism and its impacts, taking into account the points of view of the main affected groups such as victims, offenders, local communities, businesses, local government councils, police etc. Analyse the information you have found and summarise the key points in your competition entry, especially any innovative solutions that have been implemented elsewhere. This should assist you to decide your competition strategy.
Make sure you reference the sources of information you are using.
Part 2 (entrants to pick either Option A, B or C)
- Option A – Develop a plan for action that you as an individual or group (up to 3 members) or class or school could take to increase awareness of graffiti consequences at your school or organisation’s location, and propose ways to prevent and reduce future graffiti vandalism in that location.
- Option B – Develop a plan for innovative action that members of your local community could take to:
- report graffiti vandalism;
- encourage greater deterrence; and
- facilitate rapid removal of graffiti with the aim of increasing community engagement and a sense of better local security and safety.
- Option C – Identify a graffiti hotspot at a public space in your community (such as your school, if you wish) and create a concept that transforms the site by incorporating an urban art design that promotes personal and community safety. Your concept should present the community space as a place that creates a greater sense of community belonging and pride.
Entry types accepted
Develop a presentation of your proposed solution in your preferred medium/s, which can be in the form of a poster, movie, podcast, story, poem, blog, PowerPoint, advertisement, newspaper article, interactive learning object or any other form of multimedia presentation. Ensure you address the requirements of Part 1 within your submission, which may involve a separate document.