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Two months have passed and the mystery surrounding a violent mugging where a victim awoke to find half his body submerged in water with his phone, wallet and glasses missing has detectives still searching for answers.
Around 8.30pm on Thursday the 30th of June 2011, the victim was walking in a westerly direction along Cook Avenue, Crawley after leaving UWA when he was struck to the rear of his head causing him to collapse to the ground and blackout.
Upon waking the male found himself five to six hundred meters from Cook Street on the river foreshore with his legs in the water and the rest of his body on the sand. When he came to the victim noticed his personal effects had been stolen. The victim returned to UWA where he walked around until he saw a familiar building where he asked for help.
The victim has no recollection of the events leading up to the attack.
Five days following the attack, a portion of the males drivers licence was discovered in a letterbox on Cook Street in close proximity to the offence. Detectives would like anyone who was in the vicinity of Cook Street on the night of Thursday the 30th of June 2011 to come forward and assist with the investigation
If you know the identity of the perpetrator/s or have information about this offence make a report online or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, where all calls are strictly confidential, and rewards are offered. Please quote Reference Number 5680.