Lesson focus
Explicit values
- Respect
- Responsibility
- Freedom
- Integrity
Expectations and goals
- Students to understand the role and purpose of Crime Stoppers in society
- Students to understand and describe the term ‘anonymous’
- Students to learn the Crime Stoppers phone number and URL, and to be able to visually recognise the Crime Stoppers logo
Learning experiences
Classroom Ideas
- Introduce the concept of Crime Stoppers to students by having them brainstorm their prior knowledge of the organisation. Provide students with access to the Crime Stoppers KWL chart (Resource 1 below) and ask them to complete.
- Explore the term ‘anonymous’ with the class by completing a ‘Glossary table’ (Department of Education 2010).
Term My guess Actual definition Sentence example student to write student to write student to write student to write - Provide them with access to the Crime Stoppers information sheet (Resource 2 below) and ask them to complete it.
- Organise the class into small groups to conduct a class jigsaw. Ask each group to choose one of the following questions and develop and display their investigation.
- What is the role of Crime Stoppers? Discuss.
- Explore the history and purpose of Crime Stoppers. Why do we need a service like this in our society?
- How does Crime Stoppers provide access to justice?
- What are the ways in which Crime Stoppers may help young people in relation to their rights?
- Display the complete class jigsaw or have one group present it as a complete summary.
- Provide students with the rational for completing this unit of work: The rationale of students undertaking this program is to allow students to develop an understanding of how important they are and how valuable their actions and contributions can be in maintaining and shaping our society. By knowing how to be a good citizen, students are able to enhance their sense of belonging to their society.
- Provide students with an opportunity to explore the Crime Stoppers website.
- Provide students with access to Crime Stoppers website X-chart (Resource 3 below) and ask them to complete.
- Ask students to summarise in three paragraphs the key points about Crime Stoppers. This could be a learning journey, photo story or visual description.
- Ask students to create a word bank in the context of Crime Stoppers. As a class discuss a variety of terms that may be used in the context of Crime Stoppers (eg anonymous, laws, citizen, crime).
Ask students to place each term in a sentence to demonstrate understanding.
Lesson focus questions
- What are some terms that may be used in the context of Crime Stoppers?
- What is the role of Crime Stoppers?
- How does Crime Stoppers provide access to justice?
- What are the ways in which Crime Stoppers may help young people in relation to their rights?
- How can people receive legal support?
- Where can you go for help?
- Who can help?
Assessment tasks
Students to:
- Summarise, in three paragraphs the key points about Crime Stoppers. This could be a learning journey, photo story or visual description.
- Review the Crime Stoppers website and complete the Crime Stoppers website X-chart (Resource 3 below)
Download Resources and tools
Printable lesson plan [Download Year 7, Lesson 1 plan]
Resource 1: Crime Stoppers KWL chart [Download Resource 1]
Resource 2: Crime Stoppers information sheet [Download Resource 2]
Resource 3: Crime Stoppers website Xchart [Download Resource 3]